Everyone’s a sucker for a good cute animal video. The new trend in animal videos seems to be baby goats, and this video is no different. This video of baby goats jumping all over the place has gone viral and has peaked at over 39 million views since 2015. People just can’t get enough of these adorable baby goats!
Goats are well-known for climbing on top of high surfaces and occasionally jumping off of them. They’re also pretty hysterical in the way that they get so excited about life that they start jumping happily everywhere. This compilation of baby goats jumping and doing hilarious things is something you just can’t look away from.
Let’s just start it off with an adorable photo of a goat being fed… and his friend trying to get in on the action.
Let’s just talk about these two adorable babies right here. This is the point in time where they’re preparing to literally time jumps off of each other. That’s what friends are for.
Easily the best still from the entire video. Yes, that is a goat taking off from the back of a horse to land on the back of another horse. Does that goat do yoga or something? Because that balance is impeccable.
We’ve never seen a goat’s eyes get so big. No worries, he’s not in danger. Just happy to see you!
Seems like this dog is losing its mind more than the goat. But then again dogs lose their minds at everything, no?
It looks like two goats walking the tightrope at the circus. We weren’t kidding about the incredible balancing skills!
Forget tightropes, these two are going for the whole house. In this scene, they’re both somewhat struggling to stay atop of the playhouse. Not quite sure what’s so fascinating about the house, but we’re sure the view must be great!
To end this little montage of adorable stills from the baby goat compilation video, here are two baby goats atop a fully grown bull. Just hanging out. Making friends and stuff.
If you loved these adorable stills, be sure to watch the full clip below. Don’t forget to SHARE this article, too!