Have you ever seen a sign that made you say “Hmm…”? There are so many different signs around the world designed to keep us safe or in good health. However, sometimes these signs are just plain hilarious, weird, or stupid. It makes you wonder what someone did to make someone else put up that sign. Here are some of the funniest and weirdest signs we could find:
Maybe they have falling kangaroos in Australia? Signs for falling rocks are common all around the world but we definitely haven’t seen one with a falling kangaroo before. Do you think this has ever happened?
You have probably seen many signs warning you about guard dogs or dangerous dogs. This one is a little scarier because it makes you guess when you should avoid this guard dog! Maybe this is a good way to keep burglars away.
If you’re a rule breaker, you’ll love this sign. It looks like it is a funny sign on a kid’s playground. It might trick those kids who love to follow the rules. What would you do?
If you regularly feed wild animals, this sign is for you. They warned you not to feed the pigeons. This kind of disgusting clip art might deter you from feeding birds the next time you’re in the city or at the park. Do you think someone had to lose a finger for this sign to go up?
You may have seen signs that say something along the lines of a private home, private property or a private road. However, have any of those signs told you not to read them? This one does, but too late! These people must want privacy but also have a sense of humor.
This sign seems a tad unnecessary. We wonder who thought this one up! They must have gotten sick of someone asking if the gate should be open or closed all the time.
Keep reading on the NEXT page for more hilarious signs!