The Girl Scouts just announced their brand new cookie and you will definitely want to try this one. The new cookie is called Caramel Chocolate Chip. It is gluten-free, so just about anyone can try it. It will be made with caramel, semisweet chocolate chips, and just a touch of sea salt.
These delicious sounding cookies will be available during the 2019 cookie sale season. It will be the second gluten-free offering. The other variety is Toffee-tastic. It was introduced in 2015. This is great news for anyone who has a gluten intolerance or who simply likes to eat gluten-free.
The other cookies that will be offered next year are S’mores, Thin Mints, Caramel deLites/Samoas, Peanut Butter Patties/Tagalongs, Shortbread/Trefoils, Do-si-dos/Peanut Butter Sandwiches, Lemonades, Savannah Smiles, and Thanks-a-Lots.
Unfortunately, the new Caramel Chocolate Chip cookies won’t be available everywhere. You may want to check with your local Girl Scouts chapters to see which cookies will actually be available for purchase in your area.
As you may know, when you purchase Girl Scout cookies, the money you spend goes to support your local troop and the girls there. According to the Girl Scouts website, “When you buy Girl Scout Cookies, you help fund new adventures and life-changing opportunities for girls—from trips to our nation’s capital to community projects, summer camp, and earning Girl Scouting’s Highest Awards.
You also help girls learn essential life skills such as setting and achieving goals, problem-solving, trying new things, financial literacy, and social entrepreneurship. These are skills that will benefit them both today and in the future. The more cookies you buy, the more you help girls develop into tomorrow’s leaders and entrepreneurs and the more you support their success.”
If you don’t know any Girl Scouts and want to order, check out the website to find a chapter or booth near you.
What do you think of the new cookie gluten-free Caramel Chocolate Chip? Will you try it? What do you think about Girl Scouts offering gluten-free varieties? What is your favorite Girl Scout cookie?
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