The Kennedys were a popular Presidential family that lived in the White House. Jackie Kennedy, the First Lady, did a lot to change up the look of the grandiose home. Many of her changes from the 1960s are still seen in the White House today.
Jackie had a book produced about the White House, called The White House: An Historic Guide. Money made from the book went on to help with restoration projects. Jackie Kennedy, Henry Francis du Pont, Stéphane Boudin and others from the House of Jansen designed the changes to the White House.
The entire restoration of the White House during the Kennedy administration cost about $2 million dollars. Almost the entire house was remodeled. They also established the White House Historical Association and got the White House declared as a museum.
They hired a curator during this time. Lorraine Waxman Pearce was the first curator of the White House. It was said that Lorraine and Jackie did not get along though and Lorraine eventually resigned.
The entire restoration brought more than 500 new items to the White House. If any new President decides they don’t want something that is in the home, it will go to the Smithsonian Museum. This law came into effect during the Kennedy administration as well.
After the entire restoration was complete, Jackie led a guided tour that aired on CBC and NBC on February 14, 1962. It was reported that 80 million people watched it. Jackie received an honorary Emmy for the tour.
Some of the rooms that Jackie completely changed were the Red Room, the Blue Room, the Treaty Room, Lincoln’s Bedroom, the China Room and the Family Dining Room. Which room in the White House would you most enjoy staying in or visiting?
Did you watch the guided tour on television? What did you think about Jackie Kennedy’s restorations of the White House? Have you ever been lucky enough to visit the White House?
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