If you were born in the 1960s, what is your name? Some names are so classic, they return every few decades or so. Baby names in the ’60s were usually very wholesome, cute and sweet. Most of them seem iconic and strong names that would be worthy of coming back into name rotation.
See if your name is on this list or if you think any of these names should be popular again.
1. Jacqueline
Maybe it was Jackie O’s popularity, but Jacqueline was one of the most popular names for baby girls back in the 1960s. It has still remained fairly popular since then, but many people change the spelling.
2. Marcia
Perhaps it was all the Brady Bunch lovers that made Marcia famous. It is still a cute name and you can guarantee many people will still exclaim “Marcia, Marcia, Marcia!” when they see your child.
3. Ralph
Ralph was a popular name for little boys and the 105th most popular boy name of the decade. You just don’t hear about that many Ralphs these days, although maybe the kid’s movie Wreck-It Ralph brought back its popularity a little bit.
4. Theodore
Theodore is a classic choice with an old-school feel for a boy. Perhaps it was popular from Theodore “Beaver” Cleaver or Theodore Roosevelt? It also can have cute nicknames like Theo and Teddy.
5. Clifford
Clifford might make you think about Clifford the Big Red Dog these days, but it used to be a really popular name. Many people also called their kids Cliff in the ’60s.
6. Audrey
Audrey became popular because of Audrey Hepburn and is a really beautiful girl’s name. The name actually means “noble strength.”
7. Douglas
Douglas is a very strong name, but it can also be made cute when you call a little boy Doug or Dougie. It was the 30th most used baby boy name of the 1960s.
8. Julie
Julie was a very popular name in the 1960s and hasn’t been heard of much since. The name means “youthful” so it truly is a good pick for your little one.
9. Gregory
This one also might have been popular because of the Brady family, but it was always a strong name. Gregory means “a watchman” so give the name Greg or Gregory to a strong man in your life.
10. Judy
If you don’t like the name Judith, just skip to Judy like many other parents from the 1960s. Perhaps the buzz was because of Judy Garland.
Which names are your favorites? If you enjoyed this article, please SHARE with a friend, especially if their name is on this list!