The popularity of names changes quite a bit through the decades, so today we’re taking a look back at the top 10 most popular baby boy names in 1960s Alabama. Of course, “older” sounding names are certainly making a comeback these days such as Eleanor, Diane, Robert, and Richard, but there are some that really held their own for their specific era.
Let’s take a walk down memory lane to Alabama in the 1960s… and this time, we’re counting backwards, 10 to 1. All of this information has been provided by AL.com.
10. Mark
– Number of babies from 1960 to 1969: 5,102
– Number of babies from 2010 to 2019: 218 (#247 (tie) most common name, -95.7% compared to the 60s)
RELATED: Grandparents Are Sick Of Strange, Trendy Baby Names
9. Kenneth
– Number of babies from 1960 to 1969: 5,489
– Number of babies from 2010 to 2019: 415 (#131 most common name, -92.4% compared to the 60s)
8. Timothy
– Number of babies from 1960 to 1969: 5,772
– Number of babies from 2010 to 2019: 645 (#90 most common name, -88.8% compared to the 60s)
7. Charles
– Number of babies from 1960 to 1969: 6,567
– Number of babies from 2010 to 2019: 1,465 (#23 most common name, -77.7% compared to the 60s)
6. Robert
– Number of babies from 1960 to 1969: 9,071
– Number of babies from 2010 to 2019: 1,265 (#41 most common name, -86.1% compared to the 60s)
5. William
– Number of babies from 1960 to 1969: 9,358
– Number of babies from 2010 to 2019: 4,239 (#1 most common name, -54.7% compared to the 60s)
4. David
– Number of babies from 1960 to 1969: 10,200
– Number of babies from 2010 to 2019: 1,602 (#18 most common name, -84.3% compared to the 60s)
3. John
– Number of babies from 1960 to 1969: 10,872
– Number of babies from 2010 to 2019: 2,986 (#3 most common name, -72.5% compared to the 60s)
2. Michael
– Number of babies from 1960 to 1969: 11,930
– Number of babies from 2010 to 2019: 1,969 (#9 most common name, -83.5% compared to the 60s)
1. James
– Number of babies from 1960 to 1969: 16,152
– Number of babies from 2010 to 2019: 3,195 (#2 most common name, -80.2% compared to the 60s)
Which baby boy names do you remember being popular back in the 1960s, whether just in Alabama or beyond? Leave a comment below!
RELATED: Baby Names From The 1960s We Should Bring Back