The Royals are always fascinating to us. However, there are a few Royal jobs that you might have never heard of.
Here’s a list of some of the most bizarre jobs in the Royal world!
1. Grand Carver of England
Royals never cut their own meat and they have a Grand Carver for such a job. This job is actually passed down, so you wouldn’t be able to apply for this one. The Grand Carver of England gets to show his expert meat cutting skills at Royal dinners and other events where meat is served.
2. The Keeper of the Royal Philatelic Collection
Philately is actually the study of stamps and postal history. Did you know that the Queen collects stamps? Her collection has grown to be so huge, that there is a job for someone to organize and maintain the collection.
3. Master of the Queen’s Music
Turns out the Queen has a lot of helpers. Composer Judith Weir has been the Master of the Queen’s Music since 2014 and helps pick out or compose music for special occasions. Fun fact: she is the first woman to hold this position.
4. Her Majesty’s Botanist
Of course, there is a keeper of the Royal Gardens called Her Majesty’s Botanist. They make sure the beautiful flowers and plants are all kept to perfection.
5. Master of the Horse
Being in charge of the Royal horses is a big job and someone’s got to do it. They also attend any event where a horse is involved, whether it is someone riding or taking a carriage.
6. Warden of the Swans and Marker of the Swans
Apparently, the Queen owns all unmarked swans in open water in England. In July, they always hold a Swan Upping where they count all unmarked swans and check their health. The Warder and Marker lead this event and releases a report based on their findings.
7. Official Harpist
Ever notice that there is always a harpist at Royal weddings? Someone has this specific job. Prince Charles of Wales even has his own personal harpist.
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