In this day and age, there is too much hatred in the world. People spew nasty words at each other, in person and online, without regard for how it can affect someone long term. With everything going on, we need to stand by each other and support each other any way that we can. It seems Twitter users have gotten behind this notion and are already sharing examples of unwavering support they’ve experienced or been a witness to.
In a Twitter thread that has gained a lot of traction, many have shared their examples of women supporting women. These moments will truly make you smile!
1. These girls who became friends after a boy’s dumb Snapchat mixup
I hung out with this guy a couple times last semester and this morning he tried to snapchat me and a bunch of other girls but accidentally started a huge groupchat and pic.twitter.com/CgSG5xGgro
— Elizabeth 🌈 (@springbreak2005) April 20, 2018
2. This uber driver who did a lot more than drive someone around
I was driving for uber today & this girl gets in the car. I ask her hows her day been & she breaks down. She tells me that she flew alone from Texas to see a guy & he abandoned her so I did what I would want someone to do for me. I invited her to hang out with my friends & I.
— la loba (@vickto_willy) December 10, 2017
3. This woman who literally got down on the ground to help someone else out
Some lass was complaining about her toes not being painted last night in the smoking shelter n then this happened. I LOVE GIRLS pic.twitter.com/ph25ALHEtF
— emmy (@fxuke) December 10, 2017
4. This woman who knew exactly how to cheer her friend up (and killed two birds with one stone)
Girl on the train advising her friend who has had a crap day that she doesn’t have to choose between chicken kievs and pizza for dinner, put the chicken kiev on the pizza. That’s the kind of support you need after a tough one.
— miss pip kelly (@misspipkelly) April 25, 2018
5. This girl who knew how to simply ask to be friends with someone else
she shot her shot for friendship and now we r besties 😩❤️❤️ pic.twitter.com/1j2JFLRxKL
— vietnamami (@kntie) November 29, 2017
6. When this woman wanted to be the most supportive fiancé
I suffer from anxiety but lately depression has severely taken over my mentality and instead of setting me off and not understanding, my fiancé is learning to educate herself with depression and if I’m not the luckiest person alive then idk who is 😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️ pic.twitter.com/N0SAoFGXuu
— kierra 🏳️🌈 (@kirebe16) February 18, 2018
7. This girl who shared with a total stranger
I got myself a wrap on my way home at 2am & a girl outside stopped me and said “my boyfriend’s stormed off. do you want his chips?” and she gave them to me and got in her uber alone and sped away into the night. i miss her.
— beth mccoll (@imteddybless) April 28, 2018
8. These women who met while drinking, but also liked each other sober
happy story! i, a drunk girl in a bathroom, recently met another drunk girl in a bathroom, and we, drunk bathroom girl style, bonded over nothing but compliments and love and were all like WE HAVE TO HANG OUT AND BE FRIENDS!!
last night, we hung out and actually got along sober!
— anna borges (@annabroges) April 27, 2018
9. When this woman saw a man trying to take advantage of a woman at a bar and stepped in
guy: …just one drink
me: no thank you
guy: come on it’s just a drink
me: look, i’m sorry I just want to read my book while i wait for my bf
guy: what ur bf doesn’t let you have friends?
random woman: Clara? Hi! *hugs* (whispers) u ok?women are great
— Amna (@AGlasgowGirl) January 20, 2018
10. This sorority sister who is always prepared
A girl in my sorority once ran across campus to bring me a battery for my insulin pump because I was in lab, & today she pulled out a handful of batteries and said she carries them around just in case I need one and it’s honestly the nicest thing anyone’s ever done for me.
— eye-lee (@ailijones) November 30, 2017
11. This girl who simply went the extra (Google) mile
i asked this girl where she got her nails done&she googled the exact address & showed me a pic of the building THATS girls supporting girls
— they (@rosyghoul) August 6, 2017
12. These pro “Dump Him” women
I just left to go get a bagel wearing my “dump him” shirt and I passed a group of women having brunch who started yelling “dump him!!” at me so I stopped and said “right??!” and they yelled “yes!! dump him!!” anyway sometimes people are good
— Brittney Morgan 🆗🆒 (@brittneyplz) April 28, 2018
13. This girl who heard what someone was struggling with and decided to brighten their day
Vented to the girl who sits next to me about a shitty situation that made me break up w my lyin ass bf, & she gave me this today 😭😭 girls>boys pic.twitter.com/5LLHcprk3Z
— shanxiety (@shannshaann) April 17, 2018
14. This girl who tried to protect a stranger from a cheating scandal
So my boyfriend has a identical twin brother and someone thought my boyfriend was cheating on me but it was really his brother and his girlfriend 😂😂😂 thanks for having my back though girl ✊️ pic.twitter.com/kp3d4D6dmZ
— Jasmine (@JasmineRios5) December 13, 2017
15. When this woman was ready to fight off a gym creep
Ricky was just acting like he wasn’t my bf at the gym, saying to me “you look nice in those leggings, can I take you out some time?”
This girl (that I don’t know) comes up to me and says “hey you ready to leave?”
I informed her he was my bf
BUT GIRL I APPRECIATE YOU— Nicoletta (@nictoobomb) February 7, 2018