6. Philosophy
Some of these aren’t just jokes. They are mottos to live by. They remind you there’s so much left to explore and experience. Especially when it’s evil.
7. Oh, I Get It
Some of these are thinkers. They’ll make you actually appreciate those mornings that traffic is particularly bad. Especially if you’re slower than the far right lane.
8. Brain Power
They have a never-ending supply of hilarious one-liners. Here’s a classic from comedian Emo Philips. You need to use your brain for this one.
(The telekinesis, that is.)
9. Ugh
They also have their share of groaners. Like stealing a bite from someone’s sandwich, this joke is an acquired taste. You’ve gotta really love puns.
10. Took Me A While
It took me a second to get this one. At first ,I thought they meant that they were only attractive in short bursts. Not sure if that makes the joke funnier, but it does provide a visual image that will stick with me for the rest of my commute, so thanks, sign!