Talking on Your Phone at the Register
Talking on your cell phone is extremely rude not only to the cashier helping you out but also to other customers around you.
When you hear the word “etiquette” you probably think of balancing books on your head and learning how to eat soup the correct way. While those are both things that can be taught through etiquette, there are also a bunch of other everyday tasks that have etiquette rules. Some of them you may have heard of and others may be completely foreign to you. Take a look at the list below and see if you’ve ever broken any of these common etiquette rules.
Yelling at the Kids in Public
While it can be difficult to keep your cool, yelling at your kids in public when they misbehave is poor etiquette. Wait until you get home, or even discuss the consequences of bad behavior before you even set out.
When you hear the word “etiquette” you probably think of balancing books on your head and learning how to eat soup the correct way. While those are both things that can be taught through etiquette, there are also a bunch of other everyday tasks that have etiquette rules. Some of them you may have heard of and others may be completely foreign to you. Take a look at the list below and see if you’ve ever broken any of these common etiquette rules.
Causing a Traffic Jam
If you see a long lost friend out and about, don’t stop in the middle and begin talking. Pull them to the side and have a chat there. Staying in the middle is only going to make people annoyed that you’re blocking the way.
When you hear the word “etiquette” you probably think of balancing books on your head and learning how to eat soup the correct way. While those are both things that can be taught through etiquette, there are also a bunch of other everyday tasks that have etiquette rules. Some of them you may have heard of and others may be completely foreign to you. Take a look at the list below and see if you’ve ever broken any of these common etiquette rules.
Keep your perfume/cologne subtle and not overpowering. Not everyone can handle strong scents.
When you hear the word “etiquette” you probably think of balancing books on your head and learning how to eat soup the correct way. While those are both things that can be taught through etiquette, there are also a bunch of other everyday tasks that have etiquette rules. Some of them you may have heard of and others may be completely foreign to you. Take a look at the list below and see if you’ve ever broken any of these common etiquette rules.
While you may want to talk about your accomplishments, not everyone will see that you’re simply showing how proud you are of what you’ve done.
Have you ever broken any of these etiquette rules?
Credits: mutually.com