Indeed, the young star was mercilessly bullied for her looks when she was a teenager.
‘I had people when I was 13 telling me how ugly I was, and how could two beautiful actors create such hideous troll children?’ she told Katie Couric in 2014 after her she been in rehab.
But the young star said that the bullying didn’t make her weak, it only made her stronger. She took the bullying into her own hands.
“So many people are telling me, ‘You inspired me,'” she said. “I guess I didn’t understand that this is such a communal fault line, that is running through every individual on this planet that whether it’s hidden or not hidden, that we all feel this certain sense of insecurity.”
Splish splash: The three ladies posed together in a bathtub; Tallulah is on the far right.
All the three sisters looked fresh as they waded out of the river that had snowy mounds. They also shared their picture earlier this month relaxing in a bathtub.
You can see more of Tallulah and the entire Willis clan on the next page…