Birth is an incredibly beautiful part of life that needs to be talked about and celebrated more. Birth photography competition Birth Becomes Her 2018 encourages everyone to do just that by honoring the most impressive pictures of mothers going through this one-of-a-kind experience.
The competition received over 1,000 submissions from all over the world that competed in 5 categories: Maternity, Labor, Birth, Fresh, and Breastfeeding. The winners were chosen by an international jury, while the admirers of the impressive kind of photography could voice their opinion by voting for their favorites too and deciding who will take the People’s Choice prizes.
1. Overall Winner. Marijke Thoen Of Marijke Thoen Geboortefotografie – Serving Lochristi, Belgium – “Stunning Siblings First Encounter”
2. Maternity First Place. Jen Conway Of Jen Conway Photography Serving Greenville, Sc – “This Is What A Goddess Looks Like”
3. Birth Third Place. Dominique Lamontagne Of Dominique Lamontagne Photography – Serving Ottawa, Ontario – “Caught In Between Worlds”
4. Maternity Second Place. Melissa Benzel Of Benzel Photography – Serving Orlando, Florida – “Staying Afloat”
5. Birth First Place. Selena Rollason Of Brisbane Birth Photography – Serving Brisbane, Au – “Half Born And Already Reaching For Mama”
6. People’s Choice Category Winner – Birth. Caroline Devulder – Serving Ghent, Belgium – “Transition To Earth”
7. Birth Second Place. Neely Ker-Fox Of Ker-Fox Photography – Serving Columbus, Ga – “Fist Bump For Mom”