Sinatra: The legendary crooner notorious for his Mob links and tough-guy persona, was on gentler form on this 1962 visit to a British blind children’s charity.
Let’s see more from this beautiful visit.
He is the original king of swing whose quick temper, womanizing ways and Mafia connections became as legendary as his silky voice. But these are the touching pictures which show that behind the bluster and swagger, Frank Sinatra was a man with a huge heart.
Sinatra was a massive star when he visited a UK charity for blind children in June 1962, but he couldn’t fail to be humbled by a little girl who asked him: “What color is the wind?” The moment must have remained seared in his memory, the Sunday People writes. For Sinatra later told his family: “The wind blew her hair into her eyes and she brushed it back and I told her it was the wind.
“She asked me ‘What color is the wind?’ I told her ‘I don’t know darling, it travels so fast you can’t see it.” The singer with the tough-guy reputation was totally at ease with the children, getting down to one little girl’s level to talk to her.
Despite the continual flash of camera bulbs, Sinatra appeared to genuinely bond with the youngsters, picking up a toddler and lifting her above his head before joining three others to play at a sand pit and on a toy train. Sinatra, who died in 1998, would have been 100 years old this month and this exclusive set of pictures show a softer, gentler side to the singer.
Well Worth the Wait
The heartfelt exchange took place at the RNIB Sunshine House School in Northwood, Middlesex, during Sinatra’s 35,000 miles World Tour for Children. He played 30 benefit concerts in two months, from Mexico City to Monte Carlo, playing at London’s Royal Festival Hall where he met Princess Margaret.
Author Richard Havers, who wrote the biography Sinatra, said: “It was Frank’s first London appearance for nine years and the press had written extensively about the visit, creating a high degree of anticipation amongst the public.
“His performance in front of Princess Margaret was really great. ‘Captivating Sinatra’ is how the NME music magazine saw it.
“During the concert, he talked of how gratifying it was to be doing this kind of work. He also told the audience he was drinking tea and honey but would have preferred a whiskey.” Sinatra’s tour raised over £1million for charities for underprivileged and disabled children but Havers says his charitable work had an added advantage.
Damaging Publicity at Home
Ol’ Blue Eyes had suffered damaging publicity at home in America as newspapers hinted at Mafia associations and he had not long broken off his engagement to actress and dancer Juliet Prowse. Havers says: “Sinatra once said ‘when I sing I’m honest’ and what that says to me is he wasn’t always honest. He was a very complex man.
“But he seemed to react with genuine, honest emotion when he met these children. How could you fail to be moved by a young blind child who asks you what color the wind is?”
Despite his gangster connections, Sinatra had a tremendous spirit of generosity.
Friend Tony Bennett once said of an older Sinatra: “In his youth, he acted like he was in the underworld, but he’s absolutely different. “There’s so much tenderness and he cares for people.”
In 1986 Sinatra and wife Barbara set up a center for abused children and their families and there are stories of the singer giving cash donations to family, friends, and strangers.
But it was his visit to Sunshine House School that remains the stuff of legend.
Current headteacher Jackie Seaman: “We’re lucky to have received visits from many celebrities over the years and the children and staff are always honored to welcome these special guests.
“Even although Frank Sinatra’s visit was almost 50 years ago, it was talked about for many years and is a highlight of the school’s history.”
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