17. Being taught the Dewey Decimal System on your first day of senior school.
18. Having to look up what films were on in the local paper.
19. Waiting for ages to get your holiday photos printed, and then realizing they were all too dark and blurry anyway.
20. Writing a letter in banana gel pen but then not being able to read it.
21. The excitement of using different search engines, like AskJeeves or ABC Search, even though they all gave you the same results, because why the hell not?
22. Having to delete files off one of these so you had room to save your homework.
23. And truly believing that owning a Palm Pilot was the height of glam.
24. The mystery of picking up the phone and not knowing who was calling.
25. And not being able to walk around because your phone wasn’t cordless.
Credits: buzzfeed.com
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