6. Kermit the Frog in The Muppets
The Real Animal: Somewhat smaller, slimier and less attractive than their fuzzy Henson-created counterpart.
The Movie Animal: The Frog to end all frogs. Sure he’s little more than a sock puppet, but Kermit is the calm amid the chaos that is The Muppets. He’s also deserving of our sympathy – nobody wants Miss Piggy swooning over them 24/7, right?
Best Quote: “Do what I do: imagine the audience naked.”
7. Dug in Up
The Real Animal: A Golden Retriever, a breed of dog that the internet tells us was originally bred to hunt down ducks and upland game birds.
The Movie Animal: Surely everybody’s favorite movie dog, Dug has the ability to talk thanks to a clever contraption around his neck. If our dog could talk, they would be just like Dug.
Best Quote: “I was hiding under your porch because I love you.”
8. Donkey in Shrek
The Real Animal: A – let’s face it, pretty stinky – donkey. Full title: Equus Africanus Asinus.
The Movie Animal: A wise-ass in more ways than one, Donkey never stops talking. Ever. Which should be annoying, but is actually sort of endearing.
Best Quote: “Wow! Only a true friend would be that truly honest!”
9. Baloo in The Jungle Book
The Real Animal: A sleepy brown bear, according to Rudjard Kingling’s original tome.
The Movie Animal: The friendliest, most upbeat bear you’re ever likely to come across. He also gets to sing one of the best Disney songs ever. “Look for the bare necessities…”
Best Quote: “So just try and… relax. Yeah. Cool it. Fall apart in my backyard. ‘Cause let me tell you something, little britches: if you act like that bee at… Uh-uh. You’re working too hard.”
10. Pug in Men In Black
The Real Animal: The kind of dog that looks like it’s run into a few too many walls… and then shrunk in the wash.
The Movie Animal: The sequel over-used him, but Pug was one of the first Men In Black’s best surprises – an alien that’s taken over a dog that looks like an alien anyway . Love it.
Best Quote: “You don’t like it you can kiss my furry little butt!”