Baby, You Can Drive My Plymouth
Well, hot damn. Joel bought his parents that car, snatched it right up from the old man in Indiana, drove it home, and gave it to his parents. When they saw what he had done, they could hardly contain themselves. When they saw how big the backseat was — like a sinkhole in a crater — they were stunned.
Calling All Cars: The Smiths Are Behind The Wheel
To make sure he wasn’t gifting his parents a rattling deathtrap to make the iron maiden look like a massage table, he brought the car to a mechanic and got it all spiffed up. Then his parents got in it, and they greased it up. That back seat = Palace of Versailles.
A Trip Down Nostalgia Lane
And with that, the Smith saga comes to an end. It spanned over 60 years and involved the ill-fated American auto industry, a foreign war, a social network frequently used for catfishing and victim-searching, and a fire engine red hunk of metal. But now the Smiths are happily helming a lookalike of their wedding present and living life to the fullest. Speaking of full, on a full tank of gas that car would only go about to the big tree on the right side of the road.
Have a look at their reaction below:
Credits: guff.com