The Indomitable American Family Smith
Remembering fondly the love, affection, care, and tenderness his parents gave to bringing him into this world, Joel Smith decided he had to do something to repay such an immense debt. And he knew it had to do something with that 1948 Plymouth and its unfathomably expansive backseat. Also, this is not a picture of the Korean War; this is a picture of the Smiths.
The Same, But Different
He wanted to get that car for his folks. Now, finding the exact car his parents sold back in the ’50s would be a fool’s errand, as the car most likely had been hocked for parts, its metal repurposed into twenty toasters, and its cushions converted into a barcalounger — a big one. Could line a hotel lobby.
The List Of Craig
Joel would have to find a replica 1948 Plymouth, one in working condition, one without a serial killer hiding out on the floor of that capacious back, ready to jump out…. So, where can one go for vintage cars and other valuables? Sotheby’s? No, too snobby. Craig’s List!
The Old Man And The Car
After weeks of failed attempts and maybe even some declined solicitations, Joel was ready to give up hope and just get his parents a trio of succulents. But then, he found an elderly man in Indiana!
Wait, that’s not all. The elderly man had a car! And guess what kind of car it was, it was a 1948 Plymouth! Well, Joel knew that Fate had finally connected the dots on Joel’s cosmic needlepoint with the fibers of destiny.