“My buckwheat looks first-rate, and the oats and potatoes are bully.”
I mean, who DOESN’T like first-rate buckwheat, amirite???
“I have got nine sheep, a two-year-old bull, and two heifers, besides a house and barn.”
Uh, hello, a HOMEOWNER? Yes, please.
“I want to buy bread-and-butter, hoop-skirts, and waterfalls for some person of the female persuasion…”
Let’s be real – wouldn’t we ALL want someone who just buys us bread, butter, and hoop skirts? This is the dream!
And in a heartbreaking closing, he ends: “That’s what’s the matter with me. But I don’t know how to do it.”
TBH, I have a pretty good feeling things worked out for our buckwheat-loving bachelor. At the very least, he probably got a few quill-swipe-rights out of this?!
Credits: buzzfeed.
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