13. All Quiet On The Western Front:
While browsing a thrift shop, Laura Stouffer came upon a small print of “Shepherd’s Call,” a painting that was made sometime between 1850 and the 1870s. She liked it enough to buy it. But beneath that print was a lithograph of an original movie poster for the film All Quiet On The Western Front. It has been valued at $18,000.
14. Yosemite plates:
In 2000, Rick Norsigian purchased a number of glass plates printed with images of Yosemite National Park on them for $45. Later, he would find out that they were original works by famed photographer Ansel Adams. They were sold for $200 million.
15. Not an average sketch:
Art collector and businessman Andy Fields was searching for valuables in a garage sale in Las Vegas; he bought five paintings for $5. But behind one of those paintings was a sketch of 1930s singer Rudy Vallee, signed by Andy Warhol. The sketch is worth over $2 million.
And to think that most of us get excited when we find a dollar bill hiding in an old jacket pocket! Guess we all need to start buying more junk!
Credits: boredomtherapy
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