5. The mansion has a zoo license, and dozens of pets roam the grounds.
It holds a resting place for it’s animals, which holds several of Hefner’s dogs, multiple monkeys and over 50 varieties of birds.
6. On the third to last step of the spiral staircase, there’s a silent alarm…
Stephen Baldwin revealed this when telling a tale about himself and Robert Downey, Jr. on their mission to hang out with the Playmates in the mansion’s wine cellar. It’s thought that the hidden feature dates back to 1927 when it held illegal alcohol during the Prohibition.
7. Luke Wilson told press in 2006 that he once got “DNAed” from the Mansion staff, which stands for “Do Not Admit”.
One night, a mansion employee asked who he was bringing to one of their parties – he lied and said it was his brother, Owen when it was actually a friend. When they found out, he was denied entry for 18 months.
8. Several famous guests ended up moving in.
James Caan stayed there for a while in the 1970s, as well as Tony Curtis and Shel Silverstein.