1. Typewriter
In an age of computers, typewriters are definitely relics. Though most people prefer computers, there is a small segment of the population that enjoys them. Those people are willing to pay big bucks for old typewriters. Valuable typewriters include the bubblegum pink Quiet De Luxe by Royal Typewriter.
2. Antique safe
Old safes are actually practical antiques. They can store your valuables and add decorative flair.
3. Rocking chair
Antique rocking chairs that are valuable are handcrafted, artisan pieces made from good quality wood.
4. Books that are first edition
First editions of books are rare, especially if a book was popular. First editions sometimes contain errors that aren’t in subsequent editions. For instance, the first edition of Harry Potter has a well-known typo. Only 500 copies of the book were printed before the typo was caught. A first edition of that book is worth between $40,000-$55,000, according to Yahoo.