Stories20 Ordinary Things Women Couldn’t Do In The ’50s And ’60s by Brad RosenbergPublished February 7, 2018 5. Attend a military academy. Forbes I guess this isn’t much of a surprise, but West Point didn’t admit women until 1976 (before Harvard!). 6. Take birth control pills Related: Crazy Anti-Drug Public Service Announcements & More From The ’50s And ’60s Do You Remember These Popular Christmas Ads From The ’50s, ’60s, & ’70s? Photo Credit: Pixabay They were available in 1960, but several states continued to ban them through the following decade. 7. Become an astronaut. Photo Credit: Public Domain Sally Ride was the first woman to accomplish the feat in 1978. 8. Attend an Ivy League University. Pixbay Yale and Princeton got on board in 1969, but Harvard held out until 1977. Click “Next” to see more things women couldn’t do in the 1950’s and the 1960’s. PREVIOUSPage 2 of 5NEXTPrevious article: Quincy Jones Says He Dated Ivanka Trump & Claims Michael Jackson Stole Songs : The 9 Surprising Quotes From His Latest InterviewNext Post: Can You Pass Our Valentine’s Day Trivia?