Success is not easy to come by, and most people who have made it in the world can certainly vouch for that. These famous pioneers, heroes, celebrities, whatever you want to call them, they made it big enough to make a name for themselves in the world. However, the journey to make it to the point of absolute triumph was not as easy as one would assume…
Muhammad Ali
His mother was buried up to her shoulders in maudlin and stress but she fought as an African American activist to make a difference in other people’s lives and to further make sure her children were brought up in an easier environment.
Candy Lightner
After her thirteen-year-old tragically died in a hit and run incident by a 46-year-old drunk driver, who left her lying by the side of the road, Lightner became the developer of one of the most influential organizations in U.S. history, MAAD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving)
Stan Smith
According to past mentors, Stan Smith was labeled “too clumsy” to even make it as a ball boy He would go on to win eight Davis Cups, along with huge Wimbledon and U.S. Open wins. He would have the privilege of earning the title of coach for the United States Tennis Association.
Marie Stopes
Most publishers denied her revolutionary book, Married Love, scared off by the new and controversial views it contained. Being an active advocate of women’s rights, and even though society looked down upon the concept of birth control at that time, Stopes went on to invent Britain’s first ever birth control clinic.
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