Few Hollywood stars have left a lasting impression, such as William Shatner. Shatner is best known for his legendary portrayal of Captain James T. Kirk in Star Trek; he has enjoyed a career that spans over seven decades, starring in films and television shows that have shaped pop culture.
From his early years on The Twilight Zone to his Emmy award-winning performance on Boston Legal, Shatner has repeatedly re-invented himself, proving to be a talented actor, author, and even real space traveler. Unlike his flamboyant career, Shatner prefers low-key birthday parties. For his 94th birthday on March 22, he did his personal tradition that he has maintained for the past 35 years.
How did William Shatner celebrate his 94th birthday?
For more than three decades, Shatner has marked his birthday by supporting a cause close to his heart. Each year, he dedicates his special day to The Hollywood Charity Horse Show, a philanthropic effort that has raised millions of dollars to help children and veterans.
Other than his charitable efforts, his 94th birthday was also celebrated with a special family outing. His family planned a trip to Las Vegas, where they dined and enjoyed a show before they returned to Los Angeles. For Shatner, celebrating his birthday with his family in one of the world’s most vibrant cities made the experience even more special.
William Shatner attended his premiere for his last birthday
Shatner celebrated his 93rd birthday differently, he spent the day reflecting on his long working life. He attended the Los Angeles premiere of his documentary film, You Can Call Me Bill, a production that gave close-up insight into his life and legacy.
While the process of promoting a film about himself was odd, he was serious about doing it. He understood the challenge of being completely honest in a personal documentary, knowing that his words and thoughts would be left for future generations. His priority was sincerity; he wanted his legacy to be depicted sincerely rather than being shaped by the media.