The odds are nothing but numbers to ignore, for someone like an 82-year-old grandfather who’d been diagnosed with cancer. His condition isn’t curable but he’s still maintaining a rigorous exercise routine – with very visible results!
His progress has been shared with the world thanks to his grandson, Phil Mackenzie, who himself is a retired Canadian rugby player manning Canada’s fastest-growing fitness app. He shared his grandfather’s inspiring story and the empowering message behind it.
Phil Mackenzie’s grandfather is maintaining a strict regimen despite his cancer diagnosis
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Over on Instagram, Phil shared footage starring his grandfather, looking positively ripped, a clear sign of the intense workout he puts himself through.
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“Here are a few ways my 82-year-old Grandad has managed to stay so fit and strong for so long,” Phil captioned the post. “Despite battling an incurable form of cancer my Grandad has continued to do his best every single day, never taking his ability to move for granted.”
Other methods include strength training, which has seen Phil perform 500 push-ups a day, along with restricting his calorie intake.
Phil’s grandfather offers inspiration amidst his cancer experience
Not only is this an inspiring story of Phil’s grandfather not letting aging define what he can and can’t do, it’s also an example of him defying the odds against cancer. This is not always possible for other cancer patients. But, Phil assures, no one should rule themselves out in the pursuit for fitness and all its healing power.
“Do not worry if you haven’t prioritized your own physical health lately,” Phil assured. “It’s never too late to get started. Any changes you start implementing NOW will pay off massively in the years to come. I really hope my Grandad inspires you to either get started or keep going like he does for me!!”
Additionally, Phil clarified, a person’s movement of choice doesn’t have to be as extreme or as prolonged as what his grandfather is doing. “The more you can incorporate any form of movement in your day the better of you will be down the road,” is the rule he wants people to live by, along with the adage his grandpa lives by, of “If you don’t use it you lose it.”