M&M’s latest packaging features only the female characters, including the newest, Purple. The limited edition all-female pack includes Purple, Brown, and Green, who are upside-down on the package. It says the characters aim to “celebrate women everywhere who are flipping the status quo.”
Purple is the newest M&M character in a decade and is reportedly a purple peanut M&M. A press release read, “The M&M’S brand is on a mission to use the power of fun to create purposeful connections, as we work to create a world where everyone feels they belong.”
M&M’s released new packaging that features only female characters
Consumers can grab the new packaging in three options: milk chocolate, peanut, and peanut butter. A portion of the profits will reportedly go to organizations such as She Is The Music and We Are Moving the Needle, which support and empower women.
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While some people love the new packaging, others found issues with it. Fox anchor Martha MacCallum said, “If this is what you need for validation, an M&M that is the color that you think is associated with feminism, then I’m worried about you. I think that makes China say, ‘Oh, good, keep focusing on that. Keep focusing on giving people their own color M&M’S while we take over all of the mineral deposits in the entire world.’”
Previously, some people did not like the changes that M&M’s made to the characters, including the modernization of the Green M&M. Mars, the company that sells M&M’s, responded, “The characters … are continuously evolving to reflect the times that we’re living in.” They hope consumers will “get to know our characters for much more than their footwear.”
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