Geena Davis is opening up about some of Bill Murray’s inappropriate behavior. Geena appeared alongside Bill in the 1990 film Quick Change. She is opening up about several incidents in her new memoir called Dying of Politeness and how she wishes she would have responded differently.
At first, Geena tried to laugh off some of his behavior even though it made her feel uncomfortable. During the first time they met at auditions, she said Bill “insisted” on using a massage device called “The Thumper” on her back. She said no several times.
Geena Davis explains how Bill Murray was inappropriate behavior with her back in 1990
However, she explained in a 1990 interview, “So he gets out this Thumper thing, and he says, ‘You should try this, I’m going to massage your back with this thing,’ and I’m thinking, ‘No way.’ I’m like, this is part of how I’m going to be tough, there’s no way in hell I’m going to let him touch me with this thing. And, you know, cut to five minutes later, and I’m laying on the couch, and he’s [using the massage device] on my back with this thing.”
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In a more recent interview, Geena admitted, “I forgot that telling it that way, just as a humorous anecdote, I must have thought, ‘Well, it’s ultimately funny, or makes a good story,’ when in fact it was so devastating.” She said she felt shame over the interaction but added, “I don’t feel like that anymore. I really, really do recognize that it wasn’t my fault.”
Bill has since apologized for another interaction he was under fire for. He said, “What I always thought was funny as a little kid isn’t necessarily the same as what’s funny now. Things change, and the times change. I think it’s a sad dog that can’t learn anymore. I think that’s a really sad puppy that can’t learn anymore. I don’t want to be that sad dog and I have no intention of it.”
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