How we react to situations is all about perspectives. What is acceptable to one is just a silly excuse to another. Personal sentiments and feelings must be eliminated to avoid overreaction, and emotional intelligence should be employed.
Netizens have bashed a woman for snapping at her twin sister, who left her wedding to attend to her child’s emergency. The anonymous user with the username u/TASisterWeddimg posted her story on Reddit’s r/AmITheA**hole forum.
The Reddit Post
Since she shared her experience, hoping to get people’s advice from the “AITA” community. The viral post has since then garnered over 7,000 upvotes and 1,000 comments. The anonymous poster reveals how she left her children in the care of her in-laws (because the ceremony was tagged child-free) to grace her twin sister’s wedding as her maid of honor.
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However, she became unsettled a few minutes before the start of the wedding when she got a report about one of her kids. “About 10 minutes before everything started (I was there for 2 hours), my in-laws called saying that my youngest hit his head while playing with my oldest and that they were taking him to the hospital,” the user narrated, “I despaired, even though they said he was conscious, my heart was not at peace nor my husband’s, so we decided to go to the hospital.”
How her twin reacted to the news
She summoned the courage to inform the bride about the news, but she wasn’t emotionally intelligent to handle it, and she had a “meltdown.” The Reddit user claims her twin sister started guilt-tripping her that why would she decide to leave her on “the most important day of her life” and that she was choosing her son over her. She [the user] furiously replied, “Yes, I choose my son in the hospital.”
The Reddit user further revealed that her son suffered minor wounds, which necessitated two stitches, after which he was kept in the clinic for monitoring since he was so young. When she returned from the hospital, she noticed she had missed several calls from her sister as she wasn’t settled while attending to her son.
She returned the call, and to her dismay, her sister was still hell-bent on making her feel bad for excusing herself during the wedding. “She [the twin sister] asked before how my son was and when she learned that it was a minor injury, she started screaming saying that I abandoned her at the most important moment in her life and that she was without a family in her own marriage (no parents and grandparents),” the twin sister claims.
The user concluded, “I left my responsibilities to a person who did everything wrong and caused an embarrassment, and to make matters worse, I didn’t even want to show up since my husband could stay in the hospital while I would at least share this moment with her. She called me several names until my husband took the cell phone out of my hand and told her to f**k off. I really could have at least gone to the party, but I wasn’t going to make it knowing my baby is in the hospital. I can’t help but feel bad for my sister.”