Beautiful memories will stay forever, and 5-year-old Anna Stolinsky will certainly remember her first day attending kindergarten when her late father’s colleagues escorted her to school. The La Vergne police officers arrived at her home on 20 motorcycles and in five cars to honor her dad, Sgt. Kevin Stolinsky, who died of a heart attack last year.
The kind gesture was made possible by her uncle, David Stolinsky, an officer at the Tennesse department. Although it was a total surprise to Anna, her mother, Casey Stolinsky, was duly informed. However, Casey relived memories of her husband’s death during the memorable event. “He [David Durham, Kevin’s colleague] was the one who drove us to the hospital the night we got the call (about Kevin). I sat in that same seat,” she said.
Kindergarten surprise
Anna describes the unforgettable experience, “I was reading a book and went to tell my Nana, ‘The policemen are here!'” she said excitedly. When she got to school, the cops formed a human corridor, and the beautiful girl showed her appreciation to each of them as she walked to her classroom.
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The police department took to their Facebook page to share the highlight of the moment alongside a video, “Today was the first day of kindergarten for Anna Stolinsky, daughter of La Vergne Police Lt. Kevin Stolinsky, who passed away on Nov. 12, 2021. In honor of her father and in support of her family, Anna and her mom were given a police escort to school and then were surrounded by officers from multiple departments as she made her way to the front doors. Anna even went back to give each of the officers a high five to thank them for helping her get to school safely.”
Her father supported others
Interestingly, this is not the first time the policemen from the La Vergne department showed their support to the little girl; they presented an American flag during her father’s memorial service last year.
Also, Anna continues to enjoy her father’s goodwill and commitment to others while he was alive. David described his brother’s mission while he was alive as one that involved selfless service and acts of kindness towards his colleagues and their homes. “He was doing what he loved. He was supporting families of police officers. He was encouraging families of police officers. That’s the family business,” he claimed