Betty White is 99 years old with her 100th birthday coming up in January! You might be wondering what are her secrets to living to be 99? It isn’t as healthy-sounding as you might think. While of course, experts recommend eating right and exercising to live a long and healthy life, Betty has some other tips and tricks.
Her most important tip? Staying positive. She said, “Enjoy life. Accentuate the positive, not the negative. It sounds so trite, but a lot of people will pick out something to complain about, rather than say, ‘Hey, that was great!’ It’s not hard to find great stuff if you look.”
Betty White has three secrets to living a long and happy life
Her other tips are a little out there. She also credits vodka and hot dogs to her long life! When Betty isn’t still working, she loves spending time with animals and drinking vodka. She once joked that her drinking was “kind of a hobby.”
RELATED: Betty White Talks About Never Having Children
She also loves hot dogs and french friends. Betty joked, “I don’t eat anything special. French fries. Hot dogs if I can get ’em. And I’m not a big breakfast eater. I’ll have a sandwich at lunch and then come home, and Pontiac and I have a vodka on the rocks and then our dinner. You can’t get much better.” Pontiac is her golden retriever.
Most doctors wouldn’t recommend vodka and hot dogs for a long life, but hey, it works for Betty!