With COVID-19 restrictions gradually lifting, stores are now offering some of their usual indoor services again. That includes the Costco food court, which has a following all of its own over on Reddit, where they can’t stop talking about one particular inventive treat they Frankensteined into existence: a hot dog-pizza hybrid.
Similar to TikTok and YouTube, which generate trends and challenges alike, Reddit can foster a community that inspires its followers to try some very unique things, including food. In this case, it’s the meat of a hot dog wrapped in the melted, peeled cheese of a pizza instead of a bun.
Meet Costco food court’s hot dog-pizza hybrid
Yay, finally got to try this today. Guys, did I do it right?
byu/BMWer2016 inCostco
Still following? Here’s a visual from Reddit for further reference, attached to the query, “Yay, finally got to try this today. Guys, did I do it right?” It’s all part of the Reddit thread dedicated to Costco and all its food court’s hidden potential – and sins. This particular trend has patrons getting creative by taking two orders to make one whole new snack.
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Eat This Not That compares it to eating a hot dog cocooned in a Pillsbury croissant roll covered in cheese. When it comes to actually eating this concoction, though, patrons and food pages alike are a bit at a loss. Perhaps the traditional pizza and hot dog route with hands, or accommodate the surface being entirely cheesy with utensils?
Everything in moderation
For all its popularity, the hot dog-pizza created in the laboratory of Costco’s food court comes with some statistics to be mindful of. This treat, plain edition, contains 26 grams of fat, which Eat This Not That notes is 40% of the recommended daily fat intake.
All that cheese also means it has 1,500 milligrams of sodium, over half the recommended daily value. Fittingly, Mashed dubbed this concoction the Cheesy Blaster. Nutritionists consulted on the matter rank the pizza as one of the worst menu items to consume when in need of some energy to continue shopping. If in need of something to snack on, the chili comes more highly recommended. What do you go for at Costco’s food court? Have you tried any of these hybrids?