Actress Brooke Shields shared some throwback photos of her recovery process and details her painful near-death experience. Brooke broke her femur after an accident while at the gym. She was on a balance board, flew off, and landed on her thigh bone.
At first, she thought she was paralyzed and said the pain was “so excruciating.” She needed several surgeries, including one to have part of her femur removed. The 55-year-old has rods and a metal plate to keep it in place.
Brooke Shields shows new photos of her recovery after breaking her femur
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Not only that, but she had to return to the hospital due to a staph infection. Brooke revealed, “At first they feared it might be MRSA [a type of bacteria resistant to antibiotics]. Thank God it wasn’t. If it had been, my doctor said it would have been a race against time. That’s how you can become septic. It seemed unthinkable.”
RELATED: Brooke Shields Opens Up About Recent Leg Break For The First Time
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When she returned home from the hospital for a second time, she had to relearn how to walk. She added, “If anything, I’m a fighter. This is my journey, and if it took me breaking the largest bone in my body, then recovery is something I want to share. We have to believe in ourselves and encourage one another. There’s no other way to get through life, period.”
Luckily, Brooke is recovering now and has been sharing the healing process on her Instagram page. We hope she fully recovers very soon!