These days, it can be a struggle as many families are working, learning, and living at home. Kids are adjusting to online learning and virtual classrooms as their parents are learning how to work from home for the first time. One mom decided to create a chart to minimize distractions from her family and let them know when she is available. It is not only useful but pretty funny!
Her name is Kate Danielson. She works as the founder and executive director of a nonprofit organization called Foster Progress. Kate also has four kids! Of course, for Kate and her husband, the stay at home orders definitely took some adjustments.
Working mom makes a chart for kids during the stay at home orders
She said that each kid has the same questions every day, so she hopes to eliminate some of these with a FAQ. She also created a chart that tells the kids when they can interrupt her workday. For example, she puts a clip next to the sentence that is true for her at that moment. It might say, “Come on in! I’d love your company” or on the other end of the scale, “If you come in this room or make noise in this house, you will shortly be bleeding or on fire.”
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The FAQ has questions like, “Can I have a snack?” followed by the simple answer: “No.” It is truly relatable to parents everywhere, especially during the coronavirus pandemic! Kate said that the charts have actually worked in their house.
Kate said, “The door sign was meant to be useful and also make my kids laugh. When you have a big family, and each kid has the same question multiple times per day, it gets old fast! I sprinkle sarcasm liberally throughout my parenting strategies.”