Bob and Corinne Johnson got married as teenagers and lived together for 68 years. They both recently passed away one day apart from one another and will be buried together as such. They both grew up within three miles of the Nicollet County dairy farm. While there, they would raise their seven children together. Up until their death, they would live independently in their small, farm home.
Bob’s health decline began first with a cancer diagnosis. Corinne soon joined him in the hospital with congestive heart failure. He was 88 and she was 87. Brent Johnson, Bob and Corinne’s youngest son says, “They went on their terms.”
Bob and Corinne die one day apart… truly together forever
Beth Kinkeade, their daughter, tells of the couple’s final moments together. “When mom passed, they pulled the curtain between the two beds, he just stared at the curtain,” she explains. She says that tears welled up in Bob’s eyes when he was told his wife had passed away. One of their sons, Bruce Johnson, is a cancer doctor and says his dad’s health wasn’t in serious decline like his mom’s was. But it declined rapidly after she went.
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The children remember their parents fondly
Their children are confident in saying that their father is a legend through and through for continuing to put others first in life. From letting other people pass through doors before him to letting his wife pass before him. “So it was only fitting that in the end he waited for mother to go first and then he passed away,” Brent says.
Lora Dennis, who is their youngest daughter, says that the siblings were pretty worried about how one of their parents would get on if the other passed. “Their plan was to not have us worry about that,” she says. She acknowledges that they’re both in a better place now, together. May they rest in peace!