There’s honestly nothing better than a good pun, otherwise known as a dad joke. Why exactly is it called a dad joke? Because it’s a joke all dads would totally make whether it’s funny or not, whether it was asked for or not. And to be honest, 9 times out of 10 they’re absolutely hilarious and 100% welcomed.
BuzzFeed was the first to compile a list of puns that were plastered all over Indian Hills Community Center signs that have the whole Internet laughing. There’s literally no other reason for these dad jokes other than for a good laugh, so you’re welcome for these 15 hilarious, punny signs.
1. Sarcasm at its finest
Indian Hills Community Center getting sassy over here.
2. A true warning sign
We’re sure the Scottish can attest to this.
3. Ale Before Kale
There’s (not so) surprisingly a lot of beer related signs coming out of Indian Hills Community Center.
4. Snack time
Name your favorite Doritos flavor, go!
5. When carbs are everything
Cutting carbs? Never heard of it. We’ll stick to pizza; it never lets us down.
6. Wine Flu
Swine Flu is so 2009. Try the Wine Flu on for size. All you need is three large bottles of Chardonnay. First one to get sick loses.
7. Jingle Bells
Just like Buddy the Elf said, the best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear. So, half-arsed jinglers are NOT allowed in the community center during Christmastime.
8. Colors
And the sky is blue. Right?
Read more hilarious dad joke signs on the NEXT page…