Calling all homeowners who live in extremely hot or frigid cold weather throughout various times of the year! This DIY project might be for you. If your house gets ridiculously hot in the summer or freezing cold in the winter, your utility bills most likely skyrocket up to hundreds of dollars. One man decided enough is enough and made his own DIY project to help him save big bucks on utilities.
The man himself, Terry Johnson, is an electrical engineer who sometimes partakes in DIY projects. This one was no different. “We needed something to make it thermally efficient but didn’t have a big budget,” he said, explaining the reasoning for his project. You won’t believe how he did this.
Terry had actually discovered a plan for a solar heat collector made from empty aluminum cans. As a result, with all of the empty cans intact, the DIY solar panel helped increase the heat in their living room by four to seven degrees and it costs only $1.50 a year to run. Yes, only $1.50.
People might be wondering just how empty soda cans can possibly work wonders for your heat (or lack thereof). It sucks in the cool air from the house, heats up the air inside the empty soda cans, and sends the warm air back out into the house using a fan and vent system.
Furthermore, the cans were painted matte black to help absorb the sun’s rays even more efficiently. This helps makes the empty soda cans as warm as possible and helps you stay warm!
It’s important to note that this DIY solar panel will only work on the exterior of your home in an area that receives a lot of sunlight. If you live in a generally overcast or rainy area, or the solar panel is located in a somewhat shady spot, you may not have much luck with it.
If you live in an area with tons of sun, you can sleep comfortably at night knowing you can save hundreds of dollars on your utility bills per year by using this DIY hack. And what better time of the year with fall coming up?
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