Orange juice is a delicacy that can be enjoyed at any moment of the day, not just first thing in the morning! There are brands like Simply Orange that produce 100% organic and real, fresh fruit. You need to take advantage of it as much as you can.
Consider incorporating OJ into your daily lifestyle. It’s great for cocktails, baked goods, and even in your salad. Don’t believe it? Here are some unexpected ways to use orange juice.
1. Spray ribs with orange juice as you’re grilling
Just spritz a little OJ onto your ribs while you’re grilling them. You’ll lock in the moisture and get a sweet tangy flavor that will become a fan favorite.
2. Make a salad dressing
Orange juice is a perfect substitute for your basic oil and vinegar dressings. You can try a different combination mixed with OJ and as a result, it’ll give your salad a little more zest and flavor!
3. DIY lip balm
A great recipe for a DIY lip balm consists of beeswax, shea butter, essential oil, and fruit juice. Use OJ as your fruit juice and you’ve got yourself one awesome lip balm!
4. Deglaze/clean up your pans
You can use orange juice to deglaze your greasy pans that have brown and burnt bits of food stuck to it. Many people opt for this way over water or vinegar.
5. Make a no-added-sugar ice cream topping
This DIY hack is making ice-cream lovers melt! For those who are looking for a healthier alternative, soak any fruit of your choice in orange juice, lightly mash up the mixture that you’ve created, and pour it over your ice cream as a healthy topping!
6. Freeze the juice in ice cube trays
After freezing cubes of OJ in an ice cube tray, you could blend them into smoothies or throw them into cocktails. Makes for a nice sangria!
7. Make a takeout fake-out dinner for yourself
Yes, you can make your own version of a takeout dinner from your favorite restaurant. Craving that orange chicken from your favorite Chinese joint? Just make your orange chicken with orange juice. It’s that simple and a lot cheaper, too!
What did you think of these unexpected ways to use orange juice? Be sure to SHARE this article if you loved these hacks!