Becoming a heavy hitter in Hollywood isn’t something just anybody can do. It takes amazing talent, an unmatched drive for success and a healthy dose of luck, as well. Only a very small percentage of people possess the qualities it takes to make it big on the silver screen.
The comedic virtuoso Robin Williams is someone who had all three of these characteristics from the very beginning of his career. If you watch any performance of his, comedic or dramatic, you instantly realize why he was a star. He was a magnetic personality that you just couldn’t take your eyes off of.
You’ll be even more impressed after reading these 18 little-known facts about this respected and accomplished actor.
1. Williams graduated from Redwood High School where he was voted “Least Likely to Succeed,” which begs the question: Why do they even have that award?!
2. Williams has claimed that, when he was a child, he was quite overweight and nobody would play with him. As a result, he would entertain himself by talking in different voices.
Robin Williams childhood photo… looks like he’s in good shape to me!