When it comes to celebrities, most people assume because they’re actors, musicians, or socialites, that they aren’t very bright. Obviously people like that need to take a class in breaking down stereotypes, because these 21 celebs are probably smarter than all of us. The current definition of IQ test standard scores states that about two-thirds of all test-takers obtain scores from 85 to 115 and about only 5 percent of the population scores above 125. See which celebs score above that!
1. Quentin Tarantino – 160
He might have dropped out of high school young and begun ushering at a porn movie theater, but that doesn’t mean Quentin Tarantino is dumb at all. He has a rumored IQ of 160, the same IQ as Albert Einstein. Click NEXT to see the rest…
NEXT is one Talented and smart actor…