The feeling one gets from stumbling on things that later turn out to be rare gems can be life-changing and intriguing at the same time. People treasure such items; some would rather die than part with them. Recently, Holly Brown, who lives in Canada, discovered something unusual while she was out in her backyard.
During her rounds to her livestock house, which provides forage to seven chickens, she noticed a round object lying in the grass near the chickens’ coop. “At first, I thought it was a ball the dog found,” Brown said. “When I picked it up I realized, to my surprise, it was an egg.”
The Discovery
Interestingly, that fateful day, one of Brown’s hens deviated from the norm of laying a typical oval-shaped egg to producing a nearly perfect round egg. In her quest to further seek answers to the questions running through her mind regarding the mystery, Brown decided to post on social media, where she discovered how special and rare the egg was.
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Brown’s friend made reference to another story where a woman also found a round egg and later hit the jackpot by selling it for hundreds of dollars. There is also an unofficial projection for the odds of finding a round egg to stand at one in a billion because of its rarity.
Brown’s decision on what to do with the rare piece
Despite the high price value of Brown’s round-shaped egg, she disclosed that she has no intention of selling her prized possession. She wants to keep it as a conversation piece — a special gift from her cherished birds.
“I regard [my chickens] as pets,” Brown said. “Watching their antics every day is entertaining.”