In the wake of challenges in air travel this summer due to the heavy traffic of people who are trooping in and out to enjoy the summer, flights are being canceled and rescheduled at will by airlines to combat it. This might be linked to the effect of the COVID pandemic, which shut the world down all through 2020 and the best part of 2021, making travel nearly impossible. With the relaxation of restrictions, people are thronging their favorite holiday and relaxation spots. Travel hiccups are not a palatable experience for anyone, but it could be highly strenuous if the person involved is elderly and have underlying health challenges. Such was the case of the couple, Michael Romain and Catherine, whose simple trip from the US to Mexico became a nightmare.
Michael Romain and Catherine, his wife, who are well into their 80s, were part of the hordes of American Airlines passengers who have felt the heat of this air travel problem. While speaking with Insider, the couple explained that they were traveling to San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, to celebrate with a friend of theirs on the occasion of attaining 89 years on earth. They had their connecting flight from Dallas to Mexico canceled, thus forcing them to spend the night in Dallas and eventually reach their destination later than planned.
The Couple Experienced A Delay
According to Michael, things went off balance during their return trip back to the United States. The plane the couple boarded was faced with a communication problem, quickly followed by a challenge with the brakes. This array of problems made the pilot announce that all passengers should disembark, taking their belongings with them.
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An hour later, the plane was fixed, and the passengers were on board again, only to be delayed by two missing passengers, one of them having lost her passport on the jetway. “By the time the passport was retrieved, the pilots had timed out,” said Michael.
The Couple’s Flight Got Cancelled
This ultimately led to the cancelation of the flight and was the beginning of a ripple effect. “We then had to wait for our luggage before leaving for the assigned hotels. However, the luggage crews that were to return our luggage were working to load other departing flights, so we had to wait,” he further stated. This delay led the couple and other passengers to spend the night in a hotel assigned to them by the airline.
Waking up the next morning hoping to catch an early flight out of Mexico, Michael and Catherine were again disappointed as their flight was canceled again while they were about to board. Desperate to go home, they attempted to book another flight to Dallas but had to stay put for 24 hours before they could finally leave Mexico.
The Crux Of The Matter
Michael, who had a heart condition, explained further that because of the proposed shortness of the trip, he did not travel with excess medications which almost gave him problems as he ran out of supplies while waiting and booking a flight.
“I suspect my wife and I spent well over 12 hours on lines during this nightmare and since we were not prepared for a lengthy stay I had used up all my heart medications,” he explained.