These days, many homes are manufactured to look exactly the same. Perhaps that is when there is a home so unique and so wacky, we can’t get enough! Someone started an Instagram account based on weird homes called Weird Homes Tour. The owner of the account finds strange homes all over the country and posts photos for the masses to see.
There are many odd homes, both inside and out in the United States. Many of these homes reside in Austin, San Fransico, Portland, Detroit, and more. Check out a list of some of the most bizarre, but very interesting looking homes in the United States:
Old mattress factory turned home for animals and art
An artist named Nicole Charbonnet decided to turn an old mattress factory into her home and studio. She owns pet dogs, pig, and chickens that keep her company in the 7,000 square foot space. The home also has 20-foot ceilings!
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Colorful Portland home
Christine Claringbold and her husband love color. Christine is also an artist and loves to decorate their home with bright colors and psychedelic designs. These two seem to be still living in the ’60s and loving it!
Chicken lover’s paradise
Randy and Sandy Robertson own chickens in Austin, Texas. They created a “luxury high rise chicken condominium” that they call “Coop De Ville.” Of course, Sandy has a “she shed” named “Cluckingham Palace” too! As for Randy, he has a saltwater aquarium that he named Reefer Madnezz.
Airplane home
An electrical engineer named Bruce Campbell bought a retired 727 Boeing jet for $100,000 and turned it into a living space. According to Instagram, “Campbell believes retired airplanes can be used as an excellent source for quality affordable housing. The airtight design keeps out pests and dust and they are strong and durable enough to withstand earthquakes and storms.”
Painted home in Detroit
This home gives “treehouse” a whole new meaning. Many don’t exactly conjure up images of beautiful homes in Detroit, but they do exist! Take a look at this beautifully painted tree on a home in Detroit. It looks very peaceful!
Which home is your favorite? Many of these homes also offer tours if you are in the area. If you are interested in looking at more strange but cool homes, check out the Instagram page or watch the video below: