FOX has recently announced that they are renewing Last Man Standing for season 8 and fans are excited! According to Twitter, the cast seems pretty excited as well. Tim Allen, one of the stars of the show, seems especially excited for the new season as he shared a message with the fans.
In the message, he thanked fans for their support and viewers for still watching the show. He also joked about his age. It really is incredible to see Tim still working so hard in the industry. He is currently 65 years old and looks amazing!
Find out what his message said
According to Country Living, Tim said, “[It’s] great news for all of us who are creating these stories and working our pants off to make you all laugh. It’s another big high-five to the legions of loyal fans who have faithfully kept us front and center and huge on the radar. Thanks to our family at FOX who continue to make us feel so at home. Man, if we keep this up, they might have to call our show: Last Man Unable to Stand.”
The rest of the Baxters took to Twitter to share their excitement and share gratitude with the fans of the show. For fans of the show, it is exciting to see how much the cast loves working on the show. We can’t wait to see what the Baxter family will be up to in season 8.
Find out what the rest of the cast said about the series renewal
Nancy Travis who plays Vanessa Baxter tweeted, “Open some Chardonnay! We are back for season 8!!! Thanks to all of our steadfast fans.”
Amanda Fuller who plays Kristin Baxter tweeted, “AMEN. (C’monnn…you knew we weren’t done yet) SEASON 8, here we come!!!” while Molly McCook, the new Mandy Baxter wrote, “YEAH BABY!!!” It was somewhat controversial when they switched up the cast and brought Molly in to play Mandy. Which Mandy do you prefer on the show?
Many fans also tweeted about their happiness that the show got renewed. It was up in the air whether or not FOX would renew the show or not, but it seems like good news that they did! Many fans tweeted that the show was just getting better and better.
Do you agree or do you like the first few seasons best?
The premiere date and time on FOX have not been announced, but it will likely start during the fall. Stay tuned to find out exactly when it premieres.
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