An adorable seven-year-old girl named Anjali recently got the chance of a lifetime to sing with Celine Dion. Anjali Singh was invited to sing on stage at a recent show by Celine. The best part? Anjali sounded amazing and stole the show! People all over the world are now falling in love with her voice.
Anjali sang during Celine’s show during her Las Vegas residency at The Colosseum at Caesars Palace last week. Celine handed the little girl the microphone and kneeled behind her while she sang Celine’s song “I Surrender.”
How did Anjali get this amazing opportunity to sing onstage with Celine? She was sitting near the stage with her mom at the show. She held up a sign that asked if she could sing with Celine. Bless her heart, Celine saw the sign and invited her up near the stage right then and there!
After Anjali finished the song, Celine told her she was the best and asked for her autograph! How sweet is that? Then Anjali gave Celine a card explaining how much she liked her and asked if she would follow her on Instagram. Oh, kids these days!
Anjali’s mom said that Anjali’s dream has always been to sing with Celine and grow up to be just like her! It appears some of her dreams have already come true and she won’t forget this special moment. Perhaps Anjali will grow up to be a professional singer!
She has already been performing around the country. She has been singing the national anthem at local events since last year. She has even auditioned for the show America’s Got Talent but hasn’t heard back yet. Maybe we will see her on the next season of AGT! We certainly hope so!
Anjali’s mother said that Anjali and her family are just very grateful that she received this opportunity. She must love Celine even more than she already did. What an amazing story. Anjali really deserved it because she is such a great singer at only age 7!
What do you think about Celine Dion inviting a little girl on the stage to sing? Wouldn’t you love the chance to meet Celine? If you enjoyed this article, please SHARE with your friends and family who would love to see the video below!
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