A recent flight had to return back to the airport after a mother realized that she left her baby behind. The mother suddenly realized that she left her child in the terminal’s boarding area. The plane had already taken off, so it had to turn around. Can you imagine if they weren’t able to turn around and go back safely?
It was a Saudi Arabian Airlines plane that had left Jeddah and was going to Kuala Lumpur. There was a video uploaded on social media that shares the voices of the air traffic controllers talking to the plane’s pilot. We are unsure of how long the plane was in the air before the woman realized that she did not have her baby with her.
What Did The Pilot Say
The video is not in English, but according to translations the pilot says, “One passenger, she left her baby in the terminal, now she refuses to continue the flight.” The pilot then asks the air traffic controllers if he can return to the airport. He is asked to repeat this several times. This is likely because they probably don’t receive this kind of request often, if ever!
Were The Mother And Baby Reunited?
Eventually, the pilot was able to turn around and return to the airport. The air traffic controllers said they had never encountered a situation like this before. The plane got back to the gate safely and it is being reported that the mother and her child were reunited. What a crazy story!
Can you believe that a mother forgot about her baby while boarding a plane? Sleep deprivation is real! What do you think about this story? Can you imagine being on a plane that had to turn around to retrieve a child from the airport? How do you think the other passengers reacted?
This isn’t the first incident to ever be reported. Former British Prime Minister David Cameron and his wife Samantha left a pub without their 8-year-old daughter in 2012. They left in separate cars and quickly realized that their daughter wasn’t with either of them! They returned to the pub and found her safe with the staff. Have you ever had a similar situation happen to you?
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