We’re sure that you Christmas lovers out there might be itching to get your tree up in the next few months or are already thinking about the holidays and what it will bring. However, upside down Christmas trees are a thing. An unconventional thing, but a large part of Christmas decor nonetheless. It actually has a pretty lengthy history!
An upside down Christmas tree is usually anchored down or hanging from the ceiling. The reason why these trees might be so appealing to the Christmas-loving crowd is that they appear to be floating. They are almost chandelier-like and enhance the magic and wonderment of the Christmas season.
This practice of hanging or anchoring Christmas trees upside down actually began in the 7th century. According to sources, Boniface, a Benedictine monk, used the triangular shape of what we know as a Christmas tree to explain the Holy Trinity and the Crucifixion of Jesus to pagans in Germany. It was hung this way in celebration of Christianity.
The tradition continued into Central and Eastern Europe into the 12th century. It was not uncommon in the 19th century either when people would hang upside down Christmas trees in their homes, especially so to not take up too much space.
Many people back in the day deemed the upside down Christmas tree as sacrilegious, which by original meaning, proves that it’s not sacrilegious at all. It’s actually just a really unique way to decorate your home for Christmas this year in addition to saving up on more floor space!
So, how do you come by upside down Christmas trees and how do you get them up? Easy! You can purchase any upside down Christmas tree and have it shipped directly to your house. Then you can hang it up and have it suspend from your ceiling using ceiling hooks and floral wire. You can even create your own if you’re up for the challenge!
While some of you may have not personally seen an upside down Christmas tree, they are actually pretty popular and rising from their ashes. Upside down Christmas trees are even appearing in shopping malls and other Christmas decor shops.
In addition to acquiring more floor space through the suspending Christmas tree trend, it’s also perfect for families with little ones or pets that may like to get into the tree’s ornaments and perhaps knock them around a bit. This keeps the glass balls out of reach of children and pets and the whole family out of harm’s way!
Do you think upside down Christmas trees are the next big thing?
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