Some writers come into the literary scene, release a few books, and then fade away. Others capture readers and become immovable fixtures, leaving their mark on a genre and becoming synonymous with that style of writing. In the romance novel genre, one such fixture is Danielle Steel. After publishing her first novel at the age of 25, Steel went on to publish 98 more as of 2016. These books feature larger-than-life characters and sweeping love stories across many different times.
“Pegasus” is an engrossing historical novel set during World War II. Two families cope with the hardships of war while also finding loving and friendship along the way. When some arrive in America, they discover an entirely different world from the horrors they left behind.
The story of “Sisters” is at once heartbreaking and hopeful. Four sisters living very different lives come home for a family reunion one summer and face a tragedy that brings them all together to share a home in New York. A year later, they realize how much life has changed.
In “A Perfect Life,” Steel confronts readers with a story of honesty and friendship. When television news icon Blaise McCarthy must confront the challenges of caring for her blind daughter, she and her daughter meet an attractive young caregiver, and both women look deeper into themselves and their relationship.
Like the fractured colors of the namesake toy, “Kaleidoscope” tells of the beauty that can come from something that seems broken. In this story, the death of their parents tears two sisters apart when different families adopt them.
In “Jewels,” Danielle Steel brings readers on a dramatic journey through five decades of a family brought together through heartache and kept together through love and determination. In the center of it is the jewelry store built by the couple that started it all.
The pain, struggle, darkness, and message of hope strike readers in “The Long Road Home.” This story follows the torment of young Gabriella as she suffers at the hands of her mother who then abandons her. At the convent where she heals, she finds love and must help a priest make a difficult, life-changing choice.
In “Hotel Vendome,” the richest and most glamorous people in the world swarm to the hotel to enjoy its luxurious accommodations and unparalleled service. At the heart of the hotel are owner Hugues Martin and his daughter Heloise. Devoted to one another and to the hotel, they endure challenges and adversity all while struggling to protect their relationship with each other.
A warm, inviting, and sometimes funny story, “Happy Birthday” follows three characters as they face milestone birthdays. While contemplating where the years have brought them, the three realize that every day of life is worth celebrating.
sourced from ebay.com