This man from Michigan just created the next best Uber inspired way of transportation For $5, Timothy Hochstedler will give people rides around the Colon, Michigan with his horse and buggy, making it an Amish Uber. Hochstedler spoke to some news networks about his little invention, saying, “Uber is a cool thing. Every single year something new comes in, and Uber is hot right now so we have the Amish Uber.”
In addition to driving passengers to their destination, Hochstedler will also talk with his guests and show them around the Colon area. He says he genuinely enjoys the job, too, as does his horse named Walker!
Looking for a more scenic taxi service? Try Amish Uber. Yes, it’s real. And it’s in Colon, MI. One local man has become quite the entrepreneur during this weekend’s magic fest…story on @wwmtnews at 6 🙂 pic.twitter.com/MiHMl4Vo4z
— Anna Twomey (@TwomeyMedia) August 3, 2018
People who are interested in riding the Amish Uber won’t be able to find it via cell phone app. They’ll have to look for the actual buggy with a white sign on it, detailing the driving services. What’s even better is he’s also got a photoshopped Uber logo that contains an outline of the horse and buggy.
Becky Phelps, an Amish Uber customer, spoke to a news source about the contraption and praised Hochstedler for a job well done! She said, “I don’t think there’s Uber down here so it’s pretty cool. It gives people an option that can’t drive or don’t want to drive or shouldn’t drive.”
While Hochstedler is in no way, shape, or form part of the Uber company, he has praised the service for becoming one of the hottest means of transportation and inspiring his own Amish Uber ride. Uber was founded in 2009 and has stocked up $6.5 billion in revenue as of 2016. It has inspired other riding service apps to be created such as Lyft, Postmates, and Uber Eats (part of the Uber franchise).
If you’re looking for taking a ride down the old-fashioned memory lane, you might want to travel to Colon, MI and flag down this Amish Uber. Passengers can be sure to enjoy a beautifully scenic view, a couple of horse kisses, and a great conversation with the driver himself about the rural southwestern area of Michigan.
There's a guy in Michigan offering "Amish Uber" rides in his horse and buggy!!https://t.co/apzSGPoDHi#AmishUber #AmishParadise #horseandbuggy #Michigan #Amish pic.twitter.com/nboPNdBuRq
— Pee-wee Herman (@peeweeherman) August 7, 2018
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