Calling all Star Trek fans! Looks like Patrick Stewart will be returning in a brand new television series on CBS All Access. After co-creator of Star Trek: Discovery, Alex Kurtzman, made an appearance with Patrick Stewart at the Star Trek Las Vegas convention, they had made an official announcement there about the brand new series. Fans are so excited!
The first proposal for Star Trek began as early as 1964. Since the very first draft, Star Trek has become a global phenomenon. The franchise consists of the original series films, The Next Generation films, reboot films, and several different television series. It continues to perform exceptionally well today.
Stewart made his own statement on the announcement of the new Star Trek TV series. The statement read, “I will always be very proud to have been a part of Star Trek: The Next Generation, but when we wrapped that final movie in the spring of 2002, I truly felt my time with Star Trek had run its natural course,” Stewart wrote. “It is, therefore, an unexpected but delightful surprise to find myself excited and invigorated to be returning to Jean-Luc Picard and to explore new dimensions within him. Seeking out new life for him, when I thought that life was over.”
The statement continues, “During these past years, it has been humbling to hear many stories about how The Next Generation brought people comfort, saw them through difficult periods in their lives or how the example of Jean-Luc inspired so many to follow in his footsteps, pursuing science, exploration, and leadership. I feel I’m ready to return to him for the same reason – to research and experience what comforting and reforming light he might shine on these often very dark times. I look forward to working with our brilliant creative team as we endeavor to bring a fresh, unexpected and pertinent story to life once more.”
While Stewart’s final role was in Star Trek: Nemesis, he originally played the role of Picard for seven seasons of Star Trek: The Next Generation in addition to four films.
There have been no additional details released other than what Stewart has said about the TV series. Fans can be sure to keep an eye out for more Star Trek details to come!
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