Kraft Heinz recently recalled 7,000 cases of Taco Bell Salsa Con Queso dip for botulism fears. These cheese dips showed signs of product separation. This could lead to the growth of bacteria that causes botulism. These cases were only distributed in the United States.
Clostridium botulinum (C. botulinum) is a potentially deadly form of food poisoning. Some of the bacteria won’t cause illness, but it can morph into botulinum toxin, which can cause serious illness or even death. It is most likely caused from improperly home-canned, preserved or fermented foods.
This is another recall that is simply a precaution and no reports of illnesses have been made. Are you getting worried about all of the recent food recalls? What do you think companies can do to better prevent these recalls?
The symptoms of botulism are double or blurred vision, drooping eyelids, slurred speech, difficulty swallowing, dry mouth, a thick-feeling tongue and muscle weakness. If you experience any of these symptoms, see a medical professional right away. They often induce vomiting or bowel movements to help you get rid of his harmful bacteria so you can get better.
Symptoms could show up within 18 to 36 hours but could vary between six hours and 10 days. Keep in mind this is pretty rare, but it never hurts to be cautious. If you have eaten this dip, make sure to watch for symptoms. If you do get sick, you will need to report your illness to the Center For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
If you have any of the dip at home, please throw it out immediately and/or seek a refund from the store you purchased it from. Most stores will refund and if they don’t, seek customer service from the brand itself.
Do you ever purchase or eat Taco Bell Salsa Con Queso dip from a grocery store? What do you think about this recent recall due to botulism concerns?
Please SHARE this article with all of your friends and family who might have this in their home or eat it regularly! Help keep your family and friends safe and healthy!